Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers- The Accident


Here’s my contribution to this week’s Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers prompt. Thanks Priceless Joy for another awesome prompt!

The scene of the crime pierced an otherwise quiet neighbourhood like a gaudy Christmas tree, lit up with the flashing lights of emergency vehicles, news crews, and the flashes from a hundred selfies as the gawkers updated their Instagram feeds.

A crumpled car. A ruined house.

“A horrible accident” report the newsfeeds, filling your hunger for the latest tragedy.

An unfortunate set of circumstances leading to disaster.

But nothing happens by chance, does it?

I was there. I know.

The young family safe and warm in their home, enjoying story time before bed. The drunk driver risking the short trip home. A corner taken too fast. A cat which chose that instant to run across his path.

In the matter of life and death, a few seconds can make all the difference – or make no difference at all.

That poor family you say. What a terrible accident.

But in the matter of life and death, there are no accidents. I know. I was there.

Words: 165

18 thoughts on “Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers- The Accident

  1. Creepy stuff!
    I’ve just finished watching “Dead Like Me” on Netflix which is quite similar in that everyone has a “time to die” and supernatural creatures arrange the “accidents” which ensure that appointment is met – at which point a Reaper is there waiting.
    I can imagine one of those creatures in your story, scaring the cat to run in front of the car and your narrator watching it al happen, ready to take the souls…

    Liked by 1 person

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